About Maree.
Maree White is a Surf Coast-based Life Coach and Self-Coaching Practitioner. She is a skilled and highly regarded coach and mentor.
A Jan Juc local, Maree comes from a country background where self-development was a foreign concept. She recalls, "I was always told to believe in myself. The super frustrating problem was I knew that, but I didn't know how, and no one seemed to be able to tell me, not in Tallarook anyway."
Maree specialises in helping her clients believe in themselves, not in the conventional way with affirmations and mantras (which she doesn't think work) but by finding the source of the disbelief and clearing that.
The coaching style Maree employs is deeply reflective of her diverse life experiences.
Born and raised in the country, she moved to Melbourne at 16 to pursue a career in the arts studying at the Victorian College Of The Arts.
Maree's next life journey led her to Taiwan, where she opened a cocktail bar in a town 40 minutes from Taipei. She speaks enough Mandarin to get a massage, eat and order a beer.
She has also worked in festivals and events, as an Art Director and Producer for over 25 major events in the City of St Kilda.
Maree has operated and owned restaurants bars and clubs and is a qualified interior designer. As a clairsentient (feels people's feelings), she believes her purpose in life is to coach.
And important to note, she has a wicked sense of humour.
Victorian College Of The Arts.
Bachelor Of Arts.
The Life Coach School. CA.
Certified Life Coach
Certified Health Coach
Coaching Mastery
​Coaching Collective.
Melissia Tiers & Simeone Grace Seol :
Addictions Protocol. Trance Magic. Habits. How To Change Any Memory.
Davide Bedrick - Shame Clinic.
Trudy Le Bon - Diversity Training Life Coach School.
Sarah Durham Wilson -Mother Spirit Teacher Training.
Kara Lowenthaile - Feminist Coaching
Simone Grace Seol - Non Abusive Selling.
Coaching Mastery - Coaching Collective.
Sophia Amoruso - Business Class.
Amy Porterfield - Digital Course Academy.
Stacey Boehman - 2Kfor2K.

Maree is Mother to Lamb Chop and Jimmy Knackers ( hiding) , her divine Labradoodles.
She loves to cook and preserve things, make quirky Kombucha, entertain, drink good wine and laugh with her excellent group of family and friends.