Ready For Change.
Anytime after 40, we go through a series of shifts, changes,
and key life events that transform our relationships to life.
That endless road ahead of us suddenly seems more finite.
The focus that once seemed more externally fixed shifts, and we
become more philosophical:
Who am I?
What do I want?
What am I doing?
Why do I feel blocked?
​You might have ideas and experiences you want for your life, but they still haven’t happened. Or you might feel like something needs to shift, as if you’re stuck in a holding pattern.
Driven by a sense of urgency, anxiousness, or fear, you may take more action, but despite your effort (and exhaustion), things still seem slow or don’t happen at all.
Ground Hog Day
Most people think their blocks are circumstantial—situations or aspects of themselves.
But that’s not true. Our blocks are always a thinking problem.
Our thoughts are the lens through which we see our life.
Repeated and conditioned thoughts form our belief systems.
Belief systems are invisible. They work in the background of our mind, driving the way we navigate and create life.
Some belief systems serve us—many of them don’t.
As we get older, we develop set ways of thinking and reinforce the belief systems that hold us back.
And because our thoughts create a chemical signal called a feeling, we believe what we think.
We’ve all been taught that actions create results, which is definitely true.
But the piece most people don’t understand is that our feelings (created by thoughts) drive the action—and that’s how we truly get results.
This is why doing more or working harder doesn’t guarantee results.
I teach people how to use their thoughts and emotions to change the way they create results in their life.
It’s common to think that a Life Coach tells people how to live their life.
But that’s not true—at least, not for me.
My approach is to work with your mind and show you how you are perceiving your life. I help you see, in real time, how your perceptions are impacting the results and experiences you want to have.
Over the last seven years, I’ve helped hundreds of women and men change the outcomes of their lives by teaching them how to create with their mind.
If you’re creative, artistic, or have an entrepreneurial spirit—someone with ideas and a sense of a bigger purpose—this work will suit you.
If you love self-development books, philosophy, and suspect you might be a mystic at heart, but feel frustrated that the concepts never seem to work, this work is definitely for you.

Process Details
If you are ready to make this year the year you change your life, then I invite you to consider working with me in my coaching program Identity, Destiny, Gifts, and Blocks.
It's a private 1:1 coaching container, where I work with you in your life showing you how to use your mind and emotions to intentionally create results in your life.
From finding love
Getting rid of anxiety,
Resolving conflict,
Launching a new career
Fine tuning your emotional life.
With this proven structure, and my one on one support, you wont believe how quickly this transforms your life.
Most people think their blocks are circumstantial—situations or aspects of themselves.
But that’s not true. Our blocks are always a thinking problem.
Our thoughts are the lens through which we see our life.
Repeated and conditioned thoughts form our belief systems.
Belief systems are invisible. They work in the background of our mind, driving the way we navigate and create life.
Some belief systems serve us—many of them don’t.
As we get older, we develop set ways of thinking and reinforce the belief systems that hold us back.
And because our thoughts create a chemical signal called a feeling, we believe what we think.
We’ve all been taught that actions create results, which is definitely true.
But the piece most people don’t understand is that our feelings (created by thoughts) drive the action—and that’s how we truly get results.
This is why doing more or working harder doesn’t guarantee results.